Starting a new journey to anything is always hard. Whether you’re moving, starting a new school, a new job, a new workout plan or a new meal plan.
My journey to health, healing and happiness started with having my daughter. In the beginning, change was rough and patchy but I moved through it. There have been many ups and downs and in and outs but I am still here moving through the daily struggle of being a mom of 3, a fashion designer, an author, a wife.
In this 3 year journey to weight loss, I have lost weight, gained weight, had fibroids, lost weight, gained a little, hit plateaus, maintained at 170, gained 20lbs and now I’m getting back into my routine to working out.
Eating clean in the past 4 years has not been a problem but being consistent with my fitness level has been a struggle, my weakness. So last week was my first week of doing T25 with Shaun T.
Because my sons play baseball and my oldest made the District team, my schedule surrounds his practices and games. I don’t have much time to drive to the and I don’t like working out at home because I need my space to clear my thoughts and having kids run around while trying to focus on me for an hour is a struggle.
T25 allows me to wake up at 8 am and workout before the kids even eat breakfast. With No interruptions, I can sweat hard with minimal time and still do everything I can within the time I have to work with.
My only problem with T25 was the 5 day fast track meal plan. As you know I’m 93% vegan and 7% vegetarian. Every once in a while, I will have a thin crust cheese pizza with vegetables. The meal plan was not my standard of eating so I created a plan similar to the plan included in the package. This week, I will be posting my 5 Day Vegan fast track meal plan.
Follow my 5 day journey to T25.
