GO Green SmoothieLaDaska PowellMar 28, 2016Green Smoothie:10 oz water/coconut water 3-4 cups Kale 2 apples 1 banana 2 kiwis 1 cucumber 1 avocado 1 inch of ginger Blend all ingredients in a blender 3 minutes.#health #drinkyourfruit #nomnom #rawvegan #banana #vegetarian #eatclean #apples #greensmoothie #whatveganseat #eatsmart #healthy #smoothie #healthylifestyle #vegan #kiwi #Kale
Green Smoothie:10 oz water/coconut water 3-4 cups Kale 2 apples 1 banana 2 kiwis 1 cucumber 1 avocado 1 inch of ginger Blend all ingredients in a blender 3 minutes.#health #drinkyourfruit #nomnom #rawvegan #banana #vegetarian #eatclean #apples #greensmoothie #whatveganseat #eatsmart #healthy #smoothie #healthylifestyle #vegan #kiwi #Kale